How Most Chemicals Are Regulated

Children are our future.  Our policies and actions must protect health and well-being of present and future generations.


Environmental health policies, procedures and standards have traditionally been established to protect healthy adult males. Accepting the premise that children are not just “little adults” requires us to consider if these policy frameworks are adequately protecting our children.   The ultimate policy question is:  are we committed to protecting our children from environmental health threats?  If the answer is yes, the ultimate policy challenges are two-fold:  to prevent the exposure and to identify gaps where existing policies do not adequately protect children.


Today, too many untested substances are in the indoor air in homes, child care centers and schools, in children’s products and toys, and are allowed in food packaging and containers.  Relatively few have been assessed with regard to human health impacts, and even fewer for the potential for exposure and harm to children. Most hazards, unless severe and acute, are not identified.


CEHN is working toward the adoption and implementation of sound public health and child-focused national policy that will protect children and provide healthy environments in which all children can thrive.


A Child-Safe U.S. Chemicals Policy

In Support of Child-Safe U.S. Chemical Policies: Statement of Principles

A Child-Safe U.S. Chemicals Policy: Background Paper

Toxic Chemicals in the Home